Simple Yet Effective, Three Candle Love Spell

Love spells have been a part of folklore and mystical traditions for centuries, often used to capture the hearts and minds of those we desire. Note that there is no harm in crafting a love spell for fun with positive and genuine intent. In this guide, I will show you how to create a potent love spell using three red candles and powdered cinnamon. 

Materials You'll Need:

  1. Three Red candles, Powdered Cinnamon
  2. A safe, fireproof surface, preferably a glass or ceramic plate.
  3. A lighter or matches
  4. An open mind

Step 1: Set the Mood

To create the atmosphere, dim the lights and put on some romantic or whimsical music. This step is essential for setting the stage for your love spell.

Step 2: Candle Selection

Red candles are associated with love and passion. In this spell, you'll use three red candles to symbolize different aspects of love:

  • Candle 1: Attraction
  • Candle 2: Romance
  • Candle 3: Compatibility

Step 3: Create Your Intent

Remember to focus on your intent, and what it is that you want to materialize from this at home love spell. Imagine you're casting a spell to draw in more love and positive energy into your life.

Step 4: Candle Placement

Place the three red candles in a triangular formation on your fireproof surface. Candle 1 should be at the top of the triangle, Candle 2 to the left, and Candle 3 to the right. Sprinkle the powdered cinnamon on each of the three candles.

Step 5: Lighting the Candles

Light each candle one by one, starting with Candle 1. As you light each candle, visualize what they represent:

  • Candle 1: Imagine it attracting love and positive energy towards you.
  • Candle 2: Visualize it igniting the spark of romance in your life.
  • Candle 3: See it as a symbol of compatibility and harmony in your relationships.

Step 6: Chant the Following Incantation

"With the power of three and the forces of the goddess of love, may these candles burn bright, and bring love into my life tonight. And so it be!"

Step 7: Meditate and Visualize

Sit in front of your candles, close your eyes, and meditate for a few minutes. Visualize the love, romance, and compatibility you desire manifesting in your life.

Step 8: Snuff Out the Candles

Allow the candles to burn for a few minutes, but Do Not leave them unattended. Once you feel that your intention is complete, snuff out each candle in reverse order: Candle 3, then Candle 2, and finally, Candle 1.

This powerful love spell is a great way to explore your magical side and add love into your life. Enjoy the experience and share it with friends. Remind yourself to always keep the magic of love rooted in kindness, respect, and authenticity.

If you would like to contact me for spell casting services, you can find affordable spells over on my shop

Love and light to you! 🧡

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